I'm always trying to make the best working place. [ Manufacturing department, production section 3. Entering the company in April 2018. ]Voice of the senior employee - S.F
Job description
I'm making seat surface of assembly connecting rod now. I use a machine and process the material to make the seat surface. The machine I use requires one hundredth of accuracy when I set it and make the dimensions correctly. After that, I do a process called deburring which is to grind off burrs on the parts by a file. Then, I check some parts.
About my boss
When I want to know something about my works, I consult with my boss and senior staffs, they teach me how to do it very kindly and carefully. Also, there are many thing they offer me much to emulate, such as work attitude and approach. So I learn from them everyday. The atmosphere of the company is bright. I talk to them during work breaks and after the work.
Sense of worth doing
I work as a machine operator. I feel great when I set the machine in order to make parts to meet the specified dimensions. What I struggled was to know the mechanism of the machine and to make the process again and again until the specified dimensions are achieved. That takes lots of thinking.
What I want to challenge in future
I'm gradually mastering my work contents by now. So I want to increase my work quality and want to have higher professionalism. I want to remind myself that our products are not made by myself alone, but in tight collaboration with all of our workers. I want to carry out my responsibilities one by one seriously.
To the people who will join Fujita Iron Works
No matter what kind of work you do, things will change if you have a sense of responsibility or not. So I want to work with staffs who have the sense of responsibility in your work.